As I neared the end, I slowed down because I knew what was coming and yet didn’t want to believe that it happened. Doris Kearns Goodwin’s biography of Lincoln, Team of Rivals, describes not just Lincoln’s life but also the lives of his political rivals, who would eventually be part of his cabinet to form … Continue reading Now he belongs to the ages
Tag: USA
USA itinerary
When I was in the USA, I used an app to track where I went, as I did in India. This was primarily for geotagging my camera photos but it gave me a map showing everywhere I went to and how far I travelled. The total distance was about 11,800km, similar to my India trip. … Continue reading / view photos USA itinerary
Goodnight New York
My final walk in New York City was in the evening, which is safe to do. I went to the free concert at The Lincoln Center. It was a lovely summer evening and people were dancing. I also walked along the Hudson River and, earlier in the day, visited the National Museum of the Native … Continue reading / view photos Goodnight New York
The streets of New York City
My favourite cities are those that you can walk around if you want to and have good public transport if you don’t. New York City falls into that category. I spent quite a bit of time walking around NYC sometimes going from the top of Central Park to Brooklyn. It’s the best way to see … Continue reading / view photos The streets of New York City
The Bronx
The Bronx was out-of-limits during my first trip to New York. The staff at the YMCA told me not to go there. It was too dangerous. This time it was a different story. In India, I met various people in our homestay in Varanasi. One of them was Paul, an artist from New York. When … Continue reading / view photos The Bronx
Last week, I was looking at photos from my last trip abroad, which was to the USA almost three years ago. I noticed that I hadn’t written about my last week in New York (NY). It’s difficult to believe it was such a long time ago. I was again reminded of the photos when I … Continue reading / view photos Brooklyn
Battle Cry of Freedom
When I was in the USA, I was exposed to parts of American history. It was mostly odd facts like California was once part of Mexico or the history of independence in Boston. I became curious, especially about the American Civil War, a pivotal event in American history. I’ve just finished reading Battle Cry of … Continue reading Battle Cry of Freedom
Cradling sun
During my trip to USA in 2019, I met Ajeet in San Francisco and visited him in Berkeley. You can read about it here. I was delighted when he sent me the above photo, which he took at Albany Bulb. This is a photo he’d tried to capture many times without satisfactory results — until … Continue reading Cradling sun
New York public transportation
We say public transport, you say public transportation… As Covid-19 lockdown continues, I return to photos of my last time abroad, when I went to New York a long, long time ago… In the land of the car, many US cities have good transport options: subways, buses, trolley buses (trams), ferries, bikes, and scooters (electric … Continue reading / view photos New York public transportation
Freedom Tower
Apparently, those who were around when President John F Kennedy was assassinated remember where they were and how they heard of his death. I wasn’t alive to have a JFK moment. I did, however, have an Elvis Presley moment: I was playing football on the street and a friend shouted to me from an overlooking … Continue reading / view photos Freedom Tower