Outdoor climbing – it’s harder than it looks 🙂 View photos Harrison’s Rock
Tag: Timeline Photos
A moon shaped pool
The new album is sounding like another Radiohead classic
Skopje, Macedonia
The only Macedonian words you need to know 🙂
Underbelly Festival
Watching Closer by Circa (http://www.udderbelly.co.uk/whats-on/closer)
Knebworth Woods
The kindness of strangers… I lost my mobile phone today. I was walking with Sara and the Outdoor Adventure Club around a sunny Knebworth looking at the delightful bluebells now out in abundance in many of the surrounding woods. When we’d almost finished the walk, I realised I didn’t have my phone on me. The … Continue reading / view photos Knebworth Woods
The Icelandic gods arranged this on my birthday 🙂
Lumiere London
Lights, camera, … Lumiere London View photos Lumiere London