Kaze-no Gardens and Ningle Terrace

My ryokan owner went shopping after she dropped me off at Farm Tomita and returned later to pick me up. We drove back to the ryokan.

In the afternoon, I took the bus to the New Furano Prince Hotel, one of the gateways to winter skiing. The hotel has two further attractions.

First, I visited the private Kaze-no Garden (Wind Garden). I was surprised to find it was styled after an English garden, including a rose garden. The picturesque setting made the house and grounds popular filming locations for TV dramas.

There weren’t many people in the garden. I mostly had it to myself, shared with the gardeners. I sat in one of several areas, thinking about the past few months in East Asia.

As I walked back towards the hotel, I noticed there were no straight paths. Instead, the paths curved, which gave them a more organic feel, like a Zen garden.

The second attraction close to the hotel is Ningle Terrace. My ryokan owner said this was best visited at nighttime. I sat in the hotel’s spacious lobby until it got darker but not until it was completely dark because I had just learnt that I’d missed the last bus back to the town centre. I had an hour walk back to my ryokan.

Given how relatively deserted Furano’s town centre was, I was surprised how many groups were checking into the hotel. I suspect they toured the flower farms and lakes.

Whilst sitting in the hotel, I discovered this little fella, who had lodged itself in my clothes, probably whilst I was in the garden. I placed it back amongst some plants in the hotel.

Ningle Terrace consists of many wooden chalet-style boutique shops and, as it gets dark, they light up.

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